Some Initial Reflections: My first Blog Post

Hello silly creatures!

After seven grueling years of developing “3 Minutes to Midnight” at Scarecrow Studio, I’m finally finding a bit of breathing room to share my thoughts with you. This blog will mostly be an outlet to share all the little screwups I made during the development of our first point-and-click game, and trust me… I made a lot, like a loooooooot. Hopefully, you’ll learn something from them.

Plus, I’ll also share updates on new projects, the research I do to try to improve our games, and who knows? Maybe even some fun posts about trips, or my potbelly pig.

Stay tuned and join me on this adventure – your comments and feedback are always welcome!


Jan Serra

One response to “Some Initial Reflections: My first Blog Post”

  1. Thomas Avatar


    You just created the best point and click game I have played for the 20 last years.
    I cannot believe it went under my radar for the years of development as I often check for PaC games to play…I just saw the release on steam 2 days ago and via randomly.
    As an avid fan of point and click I cannot believe I played this game.
    I wish you the very best for you and the studio, hoping it can sustainaibly release another game in the future. The drawings reminded me some Pendulo Studios somehow…!!! Great talent.
    Bravo !!
    Wish you the best for the future.

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